Action Battle System Template Update out now!

The new Template Update is here! Now with bug fixes, animations, enemies, death animations, and more! Here are some major changes that we have made to this template.

  1. The old animations such as the sword, death explosions, and hit animations have all been replaced by procedural 3D effectseer animations.

  2. The bugs with the SV’s not working have been fixed.

  3. All enemies are preformatted to work when the engine adds the REQUIRED plugins.

  4. Added an MIT plugin for the movement system and lighting.

Some things that we are working on.

  1. We are working on some new animations.

  2. We are adding some new bosses and maps for the template!

  3. We are also adding new KUBATAIGA plugins that are user-friendly.

Thank you for reading our new developers update on the Action Battle System Template

We are no longer going to be adding 3RD party plugins to our templates so that they can be more user-friendly, instead, KUBATAIGA Dynamic Worlds or KDW will be tasked with the job of creating plugins that are user-friendly and have user-friendly instructions shortly. (Though if you want to contribute to our templates you can contact us here:


Template Update 97 MB
Dec 15, 2024
License.docx 105 kB
Dec 15, 2024

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